Tina Turner asked, "What's Love Got to Do With It?"
But it's not love and romance that inspires a woeful "Love Sucks!' It's us. We humans who believe that just because we're human we should know how to love.
That'd be nice, but it's not so. So what do we do?
First, the phrase "love sucks," has to go. It's a lie. More important, it's an illusion that takes love and romance right down the drain. Why? Because as long as you believe love sucks . . . it will. Guaranteed.
Next we have to accept that love and romance have to be learned. Ideally from parents who know how to love and aren't afraid to express it in front of their children. But, sadly that doesn't happen often. Quite the opposite. We learn that love sucks from a very early age.
So if you're staying away from love and romance you must decide to stop running and start learning.
How? In this article we're going to tell you what not to do. Because there are so many traps that will snare you.
1) Don't ask your friends for advice --- unless you can see that they know how to live love and romance. Since most people don't, asking them is a guaranteed recipe for saying . . . "See. I told you love sucks."
2) Don't fall into fantasy. That'll keep you wrapped up in your head. You need to get out of your own love-sucks-pain. Otherwise you'll be stuck, and the love and romance you want will never come your way.
3) Don't pretend. When you do, you're only fooling yourself. The truth is you're setting up an inevitable breakup with your own sense of who you are. That's deadly --- emotionally and spiritually.